“David Belenzon has always been a man of his word. Integrity has always been the benchmark of David Belenzon Management.”
– Bill Phebus, Williams Gerard Productions
“With David, you know you’re in the hands of an expert, He brings forth the highest quality in communication along with delivery of great artists. There’s an incredible level of craft he’s aligned himself with.”
– Richard Aaron, president of BizBash Media
“The most prestigious shows in the history of magic.”
– Bill Larsen, then editor of Genii magazine
“David: You are most certainly a man of your word. When you assured me on Wednesday that you would confirm my offer before my season brochure went to print on Friday I had my doubts. Not only was my offer accepted but all of our tech questions were answered and you delivered the marketing materials to go to print on schedule. Though I realize you did not beat your offer confirmation record of 10 minutes; yours was certainly the fastest confirmation that I can remember. Thank you for your efforts and please also thank the team at Gazillion Bubble Show. We are looking forward to a great show in October.”
– Todd Holmberg, Exec. Dir. McCain Auditorium, Kansas State University